Connecting to Earth

Posted: June 20, 2021 in Uncategorized

The Healthy Witch

Nature spirits of the earth are more than just faeries, elves, or elementals. It includes trees, rocks, flowers, ferns, and all manner of living beings of the earth. Connecting to these beings takes patience and continued practice for they are not easy to join with. They are curious of humans and, centuries ago, worked closely with humans, but no more. Humans are too caught up in their concrete, technological world that they’ve lost that special contact with the earth elementals. The bond is still there, however. They’ve never forgotten it. And deep inside our subconscious we know it.

The pull, the drive, and desire to connect with earth in our own special way is still there. So how do you start? Begin by going out into nature; hiking, taking a picnic out in a field, or even just sitting in your yard. If you live in the city try to…

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State of Mind – Finding Flow

Posted: February 14, 2021 in Uncategorized

The Healthy Witch

The flow state is one of maximum motivation and achievement. It’s the human condition to face challenges and overcome them. But how do we do that when we are constantly bombarded with sensory and information overload? Breaking down tasks into goals and knocking them out one at a time can alleviate the feeling of too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. It can also assist with the occasional panic attack or stress overload.

The simplest way to achieve flow is to get into the habit of setting goals. There’s abundant evidence that successful people are goal-setters. Start with small goals and once achieved reward yourself. That’s right. You deserve a piece of chocolate. You deserve a walk outside. You deserve any simple, little reward that brings you joy, but does not allow laziness, to raise your vibrational level. It’s a form of using the…

View original post 217 more words

via Leaky Gut – It’s A Real Thing!

Quote  —  Posted: July 19, 2020 in Uncategorized

5 Stars for Shadow Legacy

Posted: January 30, 2019 in Uncategorized

All 5 books in the Shadow Legacy series are complete and every book is getting 5 star reviews. With amazing cover art by Karim Whalen, readers are captured the moment they set eyes on these fantasy books – yes, fantasy – ninja fantasy!  Included with this series are 2 short story spin-offs, based on two very interesting back-ground characters.  Only on Amazon for .99 each, please check out Shadow’s Master and Shadow’s Daughter, to deepen your understanding of the character’s background.

Dive into this series and become immersed. It’s fantasy that reads like a good manga!

I think I explained it nicely on Geek Radio. This link has the entire show, but skip ahead to my time slot. Enjoy!

Radio Interview, please scroll to time slot 57:32

Coming Soon!

Book 4 in the Shadow Legacy series

Book 4 in the Shadow Legacy series is coming and for those of you following the adventures of our young ninja, Duncan, you won’t have too much longer to wait.  Projected release date for Truth of the Ninja: Air is early spring 2014, and soon after that the last book, Rebirth of the Ninja: Spirit may follow sometime during the summer.

Both of these final installments of the Shadow Legacy series are now in the editing process.

Keep checking back for information, samples and sneak peaks!

I’m fishing for good feedback on the first 3 book in the Shadow Legacy series – Art of the Ninja: Earth, Power of the Ninja: Fire and Heart of the Ninja: Water. Tell me what you like, don’t like, would like to see more of, etc. The remaining 2 books in this series are already in the hands of Silver Leaf Books and will be out in 2014. I really do take into consideration the opinins of those that like my books.

Don’t have any of these books just yet? That’s OK. You can get them at Amazon or B& It’s available in all E formats or you could just order it through your local bookstores and have it within 3 days!

Read a sample chapter on my website. Dont forget to watch the book trailer right here on this blog!

What is considered the Dark Ninja Arts? As we all know the ninja uses tickery as much as he/she can to win a fight. To loose means death. There are no other options than to win. But there is an honor to the fight/battle and to winning, and to do so using the utmost deceatful trickery is considered a dishonor.

Many may think, “So what? I would do what I can just to win if it meant living.” True. But to call on the dark forces to do your bidding is not honorable. Think of it as cheating during a game or competition. If you win and get the trophy under deceitful terms was it really winning?

Duncan Kimura and his team face such foes in further books of the Shadow Legacy series. They share inner struggles with what is right and wrong, honorable and dishonorable, during a battle. “But they’re ninja!” you say. Yes, but there is deep honor in the ninja way. Think about it….

Using the magick and lore of the Celtic / Norse gods / goddesses in writing your next novel

Mythology is a symbolic way of looking at the world. Myths use storytelling to put form to the unseen, so that the human mind can expand and begin to know the unknowable. This type of mythology operates on a different plane from that of science, history, or even fiction. A culture’s mythology is its pathway into the mysteries. They use symbolic language to trigger our deepest levels of connection with existence.

The same myth can operate at different levels and can be interpreted in a variety of ways – all of which may be true, all at the same time. The meaning of a myth is not literal, not history, but is poetry.

•It’s not the original plot of the story that’s the important part, but the essence of the character which aligns the use of bits and pieces from lore and myths and rewrites it, expands it, alters it and changes it.
•As you write about your characters you are actually making them more real, bringing them to life and offering them individuality.
•Think of your self as a creator and you are molding these characters, breathing life into them and making them act out a life that you have put together for them.
When you begin to create your characters ask yourself the following questions:

•Where do the deities live – the Astral? – the Otherworld? – or do you have a place you’ve created?
•Do they have laws?
•How would the character react?
•What is their true voice? (Aggressive, haughty, shy, meek, etc.)
•What is their true nature?
•Do they even like each other?
•Is there drama between many of them?
•Is there past history that creates drama and affects how they act, how they speak, how they interact with each other and Earth characters?
•Do different Gods and Goddesses have different degrees of power or ability?
•Does morality vary among the deities just as it does among humans?
•Is it true that no one deity is purely good or purely evil? Read the rest of this entry »

     It is said that in order to create really great characters that your readers care about you must absorb yourself into their psyche; you must take a part of your own personality and place it into ‘them.’  I’m sure many of you have done that – think back – go on…ahhhh, so you remember how that damsel in distress was a part of you when you were going through a tough time, or how the great warrior in your latest fantasy novel resembled your thoughts and feelings on a matter.  This is all great and wonderful for the good guys in a story, but what about the bad guys?

     The same holds true for the villains – yes, the author’s darker side.Sure, everyone wants to see the hero triumph, but in order for that to happen you have to have a really good bad guy, someone that will challenge your hero, someone who will throw out all the obstacles that he can to make the hero really struggle.  But to love the hero one must also love the villain.

     It’ll take an exceptional villain, one with much evil, dastardly doings and underhandedness to capture your reader’s hearts.  He or she will have to pull out all the stops and really be nasty to the hero, doing all they can to destroy him and thwart the whole saving the world thing.  But how do you do that?

     Unfortunately, my friend, you’re going to have to get evil.  Yes, that’s what I said.  You need to think mean and nasty, and allow the dark corners of your demented mind (and yes, I know you have them) to trickle out.  You have to actually draw out from your being all the demented, twisted ideals from the very fabric of your soul and entwine these ideals throughout the story.  The villain will challenge the hero from the very beginning and the storyline must have a balanced roller-coaster ride of really bad stuff happening, then a lull, then more bad stuff happening.  All of which the villain is instigating.

     If you’re having trouble coming up with great ideas for the bad guy to do to the good guy think of opposites.  Example:  In a store line someone may allow another person to cut in line.  What’s the opposite?  What mean thing could be done?  I’ve found a lot of negative, dastardly stuff in cartoon movies, anime, or even by watching some of the best villains in current HBO shows 

     There are actually a lot of great ideas out there, you just have to look. Once you find them you must embrace the dark side, allow your villain to be the most evil, scheming, conniving villain he/she can be, and make your readers love to hate him/her.  Give them a twisted since of humor.  Make them sarcastic.  Make them a complete asshole.  The choice is up to you.

     Go, now, and create.  Enjoy the dastardly events that will make your hero miserable and the reader cheer, yet cry, when your villain is defeated.

Happy Writing!

TJ Perkins